
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



学习顾问: 帮助学生在追求学生学业目标的过程中做出明智和负责任的决定的大学员工.

学术解聘: 因未达到最低要求的平均绩点(GPA)而被大学或项目开除。.

先进的位置: Eligibility to enroll in courses beyond the entry level through transfer credit or examination.

审计: 定期注册和上课,不负责学分要求的工作. (没有学分,必须支付全额学费. 等级AU出现在记录上.)

文学学士学位: Distinguished by its concentration in liberal 艺术; typically focused on culture, 艺术, 哲学, 和语言.

理学学士学位: Grounded in the liberal 艺术 and distinguished by its focus on mathematics, 统计数据, 定量推理, 以及科学分析.

学士学位: 在完成高中学业并达到毕业要求后,完成至少四年全日制学术学习后授予的学位.

徽章: 数字徽章, 或徽章, 成绩记录是对学生完成连贯而有意义的学术经历的认可吗. 一个徽章包括从0开始的任何地方.5 to 15 academic credits, and may include additional non-credit criteria. Badges are digital credentials and are not posted to the academic transcript.

板: 用于膳食计划的术语.g.(食宿)在学院或大学.

总结性课程: A senior-level culminating course within each undergraduate major. Normally it is among the last courses taken for degree completion. 详见学术政策和规定.

类站: A classification based on the number of credit hours earned to classify a student at the freshman, 二年级学生, 初级, 或高级级别. 一个人的分类.g.大一,大二,大三,大四.

辅助课程的: Being outside of but usually complementing the regular curriculum.

同源: A course related to the courses in a major program or to a degree requirement.

毕业典礼: The formal ceremony of conferring degrees at the end of the semester or academic year.

浓度: 一个专业中课程的子集.

结束时间: A period at the end of a semester when final examinations are given.

并发人数: A term describing a student who is attending two higher education institutions simultaneously (e.g., GVSU和GRCC或MCC).

并修课程: 一个需求, usually another course that must be undertaken at the same time.

学分: A unit of academic credit measured in semester hours or quarter hours. One credit hour usually represents one hour of class time per week.

信贷负载: The total number of credits for which a student registers during a semester or session.

信用/不信用: A method used to evaluate performance in courses, separate from the grade point system.

截止日期: The date by which certain information must be received by any given office or unit. (当前截止日期列在 年度课程表.)

院长: An administrator in charge of a division of a university or college.

优秀学生名单: 公开公告, 每学期结束的时候, 列出已达到指定平均成绩点(GPA)或该单位院长制定的成就水平的学生.

主修/副修声明: To state formally one's intention to pursue a specific major or minor, typically done through the university Record's/Registrar's Office.

度分析: 一份报告,显示特定学位课程的要求,并详细说明学生完成学位的进展情况.

去学生: An applicant who has been granted admission to a degree program under full, 临时, 或者条件状态.

删除并添加: 在一学期的前五个上课日里,对学生的课程安排做出某些改变(取消或增加课程)的过程. 只能在这五天的时间内增加课程. See the class schedule listed on the Web for deadlines to drop courses.

双重信用: 一种选择,适用于研究生或本科生学分的课程,前提是学生获得特别许可.

选修课程: 一门课程,将被视为获得学位的一般学分,但不是特定的课程要求.

重点: 在成绩单上作为官方指定的专业中定义的课程子集.

累赘: 由于未履行对大学的金钱义务或学校的纪律处分,学生的记录被搁置.

全职学生: 每学期学习12学时以上的本科生, 或者一个研究生每学期花九个小时或更多的时间. 计划在四年内完成学士学位的本科生平均每学期需要15个小时.

通识教育要求: A defined selection of courses from all divisions of the university, 构成各学士学位的文科基础. The General Education Program is a required component of each bachelor's degree.

好站: A designation that signifies that a student is eligible to continue, 返回, 或者转移到其他地方. 它意味着良好的学术地位.

平均绩点: A student's scholastic average, computed by dividing total quality points by quality hours attempted.

研究生: One who has received an academic or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study in any school or institution of higher 学习.

毕业后: The actions of receiving or conferring an academic degree after all requirements have been met.

毕业审核: The final review of a student's academic record that determines eligibility to graduate.

格兰特: Financial assistance that is awarded to students and does not have to be repaid, 通常基于需要.

客人的学生: 从另一所学院或大学获得学位的学生,在大峡谷大学学习一个学期的课程. The credits earned are usually transferred back to the student's home institution.

GVSU混合在线课程: 这是一门融合了在线和校内面对面会议的课程. At least 50 percent of the instruction and interaction is online.

GVSU在线课程: 所有的教学和互动都在网上进行的课程. 没有面对面的校内会议.

GVSU传统课程: A course where the instruction and interaction is face-to-face on campus during class meetings. 网络技术可以被整合到课程交付中.

高中学者计划: Concurrent enrollment in high school and college or university courses.

荣誉: Designation indicated on the university degree and transcript to reflect outstanding scholarship.

荣誉课程: 大峡谷州立大学弗雷德里克·梅耶荣誉学院提供的特殊课程旨在为特别有能力的学生提供智力挑战和个人关注.

不完整: 一级, 有时在学生因特殊情况暂时无法完成课程要求时授予.

独立的研究: 课外学习由学生在一名或多名教师的监督下进行的课外学习课程.

交叉学科: Designating a combination of subject matter from two or more disciplines within a course or program.

实习: Work in a firm or agency related to a student's major program and/or career plans. Involves earning university credit and may or may not involve receiving payment.

问题: 通识教育课程的两门高级课程,学生可以利用以往的知识和经验来发展他们的能力, 与他人合作, 解决与世界重大问题相关的问题.

贷款: 学生必须偿还的经济援助. Low-interest loans are available and financial need may or may not be a factor.

主要: A collection of related courses generally consisting of 30 to 50 semester hours of credit.

硕士学位: 在学士学位之外,完成至少一年的研究生水平工作后授予的学位.

密歇根居住要求: 为学费评估目的确定或建立密歇根州永久居留权的要求.

小: A collection of courses generally consisting of a minimum of 20 semester hours of credit.

myPath: 一个基于网络的工具,为本科生提供了一个监控其学业进展的机会.

Nondegree-seeking学生: 被录取为非攻读学位类别的学生(有时被称为继续教育学生),目前不攻读学士或硕士学位.

兼职的学生: 一个学期学习少于12个小时的本科生或一个学期学习少于9个小时的研究生.

投资组合: 作品集(如.g.绘画、文字等.) that may be used to demonstrate competency in an academic area.

先决条件: 一个需求, 通常是完成另一门课程, 在学生注册一门课程之前,必须满足这些要求.

院长: A senior academic administrator at an institution of higher education.

质量问题: 分数:给予字母分数的数值. For example an A is equivalent to four points per semester hour, a B到三分, a C到2分, a D到一点, F到0点.

重新接纳: 先前被大峡谷大学录取然后被开除的学生所遵循的录取程序.

返回: 先前在大峡谷大学以良好的成绩入学的学生所遵循的入学程序,但其出勤率连续两个学期被中断, 包括夏季课程.

注册: The process of signing up and paying tuition and fees for courses each semester.

住宅需求: 要求学士学位之前的最后30个学期的课程必须在大峡谷完成. Graduate students must complete a minimum of 24 hours in residency at Grand Valley.

奖学金: Financial assistance to students awarded on the basis of academic achievement. 经济需求可能是也可能不是一个因素.

学期: 学历上的一个时间单位,15周.

学期课时: 学分单位, usually meaning the pursuit of a subject for one period a week for one semester.

高级机构: An institution of higher education offering baccalaureate programs. 大峡谷是一所公立高级学府.

服务学习: 教学方法, 学习, 并将学术课堂课程与整个社区的有意义的服务相结合.

学生就业: 通过联邦资助的项目(勤工俭学)为有经济需要的学生提供兼职工作,通过学生就业办公室为没有经济需要的学生提供兼职工作.

出国留学: GVSU学生在另一个国家完成部分学位课程的安排.

慢波睡眠部分: 大峡谷课程的一部分,需要大量的写作,教学生区分自己专业领域与其他领域的写作惯例和期望,同时仍然认识到所有的写作都取决于与读者有目的的交流.

教学主要: A state-approved major program for teacher certification at the secondary and/or elementary level.

电视课程: WGVU/WGVK-TV 35频道和52频道提供学分课程.

论文: An extensive written discourse on a new point of view resulting from research, 通常是对高级学位的要求.

时间限制: The length of time within which a graduate degree must be completed. 在大峡谷,时间限制是八年.

记录: A copy of a student's permanent academic record at a particular institution. 这个术语也用于识别经济援助表格,表明学生从学院或大学获得的经济援助的数量和类型.

转移信用: Credit earned at another accredited institution and accepted toward a Grand Valley degree.

学费: 根据注册的学分数,必须支付的课程费用.

本科: 尚未获得学士学位的大学生.

上师: 二年级以上学生或课程的分类.

退出: 退学:从一门课程或大学退学. The grade assigned will depend upon the time in the semester in which the student withdrew.

如果你需要帮助,请 提交任何问题或意见.