

参观及透过 博天堂官方生涯. GVSU students looking for regular employment must apply as an external candidate.

搜索 and apply for jobs in their Workday account via the "Career Hub". Student employees are not considered internal candidates for faculty or staff roles at the university.



所有的职位都必须有一份工作申请 能够 to make a 雇佣, even if the 位置 is not being posted.


招聘过程的每一个方面 必须在遴选委员会内保密.



在开始招聘程序之前, determine if you need to undergo to 位置 management or job management process. 这取决于雇佣的类型. 了解更多有关 职位和工作管理的区别.








Spend time thoughtfully putting together the information you need to start the search, prior to beginning the recruitment process. 在这 步骤,你需要:

  • 最后确定职位描述.
  • 制定时间表.
  • 组成3-5人的遴选委员会.
  • 确定一个 包含主.

If you are hiring for a 专业 Support Staff (PSS) 位置, 请按照 PSS 招聘流程.





  • 如果这是 新职位创建 位置 (工作日-就业援助)
    • 有关更多说明,请参阅 创建 位置演示视频
    • IMPORTANT: When creating a 新职位, you must use today's date as the availability date in order to create the job requisition and post/雇佣 for this 位置 prior to the 职位的实际开始日期. 如果这是远期的 Workday, it could prevent you from creating a job requisition and will lock the 位置 until the availability date.
  • 如果这是 有变化的替换位置编辑 位置的限制 (工作日-就业援助)
    • IMPORTANT: The 行政 Assistant will only use 编辑 位置 Restrictions when they need to make an edit to 职位空缺时的职位限制.
  • 如果这是 更换 位置 没有 变化创建 一份工作申请 (工作日-就业援助)

所有的职位都必须有一份工作申请 能够 to make a 雇佣, even if the 位置 is not being posted.

如果这是一个替换位置 没有 变化,你有 already created the job requisition, move on to the next step.

The search chair or their assistant is responsible for monitoring the 工作日的审批进度.

Once your 位置 has been approved, please allow up to 48 hours 让人力资源部在招聘网站上发布.

Post advertisements externally and outreach to potential candidates.



申请人提交申请. 人力资源部接受申请 通过工作.

人力资源 and Affirmative Action will review applicants before 遴选委员会检讨. 这为搜索委员会节省了时间, eliminates applicants that do not meet required qualifications (e.g., degree or years of work experience), and ensures we are meeting 平权行动目标.

注意: 在人力资源和委员会审查阶段, applicants will receive an email notifying them if they are not moving 进入面试阶段.

Key actions for this step include determining the appropriate review option, conducting a committee review, determining candidates to interview and lastly, moving candidates to interview status.

The search chair will determine the appropriate applicant 评审选项 并根据申请人池的大小进行下一步: 

  • 20 or more candidates: HR can help narrow the candidate 池. 这个选项是HR推荐的,但不是 强制性的. 如果你选择,一个团队包括人力资源 搜索 Chair, and 包含主 will evaluate the original 池 of candidates and narrow it down to 10 candidates to move forward in 这个过程. 
  • 6-19人:不需要见HR. We recommend that you meet with your search committee to determine 3-5 interview 候选人,取决于你的人才库的大小.
  • 5人以下:不需要见HR. 你 may interview all candidates or you can meet to determine candidates 被选中参加面试. 我们建议面试3-5人 候选人,取决于你的人才库的大小.


HR 业务合作伙伴的 能和搜索主席一起工作吗 确定最佳面试形式. 在准备的时候,复习一下 interview checklist, your interview questions, and distribute the 向面试小组提问.

注意: 如果你要把候选人的名字添加到 interview meeting request in Outlook, please make sure this is a 私人会面. There may be internal employees and/or candidates who can view your calendar and it may not be appropriate for everyone to 看看候选人的名字.


Collect feedback from the interview panel, complete reference 检查并做出最终选择. 请注意,推进一个 candidate to the reference check stage isn't limited to just the 决赛. 你 have the option to request reference checks for multiple 在做出最后的决定之前. 遵循下面的流程 Workday to initiate and submit reference checks for selected candidate(s). 


Once a final candidate is selected, follow the Workday process to 将候选人移至offer.



Follow the Workday process to complete the offer approval. 一旦 offer has been approved, the Dean or Appointing Officer will receive an email notice to let them know they can move forward with the verbal offer.


The Dean or Appointing Officer can call or delegate the supervisor to 打电话给候选人口头邀请. 请参阅 口头提供最佳实践指南. 人力资源部门会做出决定 口头报价 每小时的位置.


Follow the Workday process to create an appointment letter. 所有的角色都需要有委任书 included in the 岗位管理流程.

候选人地址通知: 候选人的地址是 not 强制性的 on the job application and may be missing from the 聘书模板. 这是可以的,已经通过了 法律顾问.

  • If the applicant does not provide their home address, it will not 合并到委任书上. 对…负责的人 creating the letter does not need to input the candidate’s address 但会继续进行适当的编辑.
  • 一旦 new 雇佣 is 雇佣d and begins onboarding, onboarding will request the new 雇佣 to enter/update their personal information.
  • This will not affect background checks since Sterling sends their own email to collect PII and authorization from the candidate

工资/注意: 你必须保证工资 金额是正确的字母(i).e.,工资或报酬包括美分; 包括分,不要四舍五入).


Upon verbal acceptance, the appointment letter is written and sent to 工作日的候选人. 一旦候选人接受了他们的信,他们就会收到 will ask them for their date of birth and social security number for 雇佣. The HR 业务合作伙伴 initiates the background check required 对于这个职位. 一旦背景调查完成,就 candidate will be 雇佣d and GVSU network credentials will be created.




所有的职位都必须有一份工作申请 能够 to make a 雇佣, even if the 位置 is not being posted.


The search chair or their assistant is responsible for monitoring the 工作日的审批进度.

Once your 位置 has been approved, please allow up to 48 hours 让人力资源部在招聘网站上发布.

Post advertisements externally and outreach to potential candidates 如果适用的话.



申请人提交申请. 人力资源部接受申请 通过工作.

人力资源 and Affirmative Action will review applicants before 遴选委员会检讨. 这为搜索委员会节省了时间, eliminates applicants that do not meet required qualifications (e.g., degree or years of work experience), and ensures we are meeting 平权行动目标.

注意: 在人力资源和委员会审查阶段, applicants will receive an email notifying them if they are not moving 进入面试阶段.

Key actions for this step include determining the appropriate review option, conducting a committee review, determining candidates to interview and lastly, moving candidates to interview status.

The search chair will determine the appropriate applicant 评审选项 并根据申请人池的大小进行下一步: 

  • 20 or more candidates: HR can help narrow the candidate 池. 这个选项是HR推荐的,但不是 强制性的. 如果你选择,一个团队包括人力资源 搜索 Chair, and 包含主 will evaluate the original 池 of candidates and narrow it down to 10 candidates to move forward in 这个过程. 
  • 6-19人:不需要见HR. We recommend that you meet with your search committee to determine 3-5 interview 候选人,取决于你的人才库的大小.
  • 5人以下:不需要见HR. 你 may interview all candidates or you can meet to determine candidates 被选中参加面试. 我们建议面试3-5人 候选人,取决于你的人才库的大小.


HR 业务合作伙伴的 能和搜索主席一起工作吗 确定最佳面试形式. 在准备的时候,复习一下 interview checklist, your interview questions, and distribute the 向面试小组提问.

注意: 如果你要把候选人的名字添加到 interview meeting request in Outlook, please make sure this is a 私人会面. There may be internal employees and/or candidates who can view your calendar and it may not be appropriate for everyone to 看看候选人的名字.


Collect feedback from the interview panel, complete reference 检查并做出最终选择. 请注意,推进一个 candidate to the reference check stage isn't limited to just the 决赛. 你 have the option to request reference checks for multiple 在做出最后的决定之前. 遵循下面的流程 Workday to initiate and submit reference checks for selected candidate(s). 


Once a final candidate is selected, follow the Workday process to 将候选人移至offer.



Follow the Workday process to complete the offer approval. 一旦 offer has been approved, the Dean or Appointing Officer will receive an email notice to let them know they can move forward with the verbal offer.


The Dean or Appointing Officer can call or delegate the supervisor to 打电话给候选人口头邀请. 请参阅 口头提供最佳实践指南. 人力资源部门会做出决定 口头报价 每小时的位置.


Follow the Workday process to create an appointment letter. 所有的角色都需要有委任书. 然而,人类 Resources will process the period activity pay for Adjunct PAP and 根据合同聘雇教师.

候选人地址通知: 候选人的地址是 not 强制性的 on the job application and may be missing from the 聘书模板. 这是可以的,已经通过了 法律顾问.

  • If the applicant does not provide their home address, it will not 合并到委任书上. 对…负责的人 creating the letter does not need to input the candidate’s address 但会继续进行适当的编辑.
  • 一旦 new 雇佣 is 雇佣d and begins onboarding, onboarding will request the new 雇佣 to enter/update their personal information.
  • This will not affect background checks since Sterling sends their own email to collect PII and authorization from the candidate

工资/注意: 你必须保证工资 金额是正确的字母(i).e.,工资或报酬包括美分; 包括分,不要四舍五入).


Upon verbal acceptance, the appointment letter is written and sent to 工作日的候选人. 一旦候选人接受了他们的信,他们就会收到 will ask them for their date of birth and social security number for 雇佣. The HR 业务合作伙伴 initiates the background check required 对于这个职位. 一旦背景调查完成,就 candidate will be 雇佣d and GVSU network credentials will be created.



这些招聘资源是为 仅限教职员工工作. 所有 学生工作 are managed by the Student Employment Office at 100 Student Services Building. 有关学生工作的更多信息,请访问 www.博天堂官方.edu/studentjobs.
