设施 and Administrative Cost Policy

SLT 3.11.4

  1. 政策声明
  2. 程序


Grand Valley State 大学的设施 and Administrative (F&A) rate (also known as the indirect-cost rate) is established in accordance with the Federal Office of Management and Budget under 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance (previously A-21). 的 rate is negotiated between the University and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the cognizant federal agency that oversees the administration of sponsored agreements at the University. 的 大学的F&A rate reflects the cost of real, auditable expenses incurred in the conduct of sponsored research and programs. Included among these costs are depreciation costs of buildings and equipment, maintenance and repairs, janitorial services, utilities, hazardous waste disposal, libraries, and general administrative costs such as sponsored programs administration, departmental administration, and general administration (accounting, purchasing, legal services, personnel, and compliance). 这些成本是 "indirect" because they are not easily identified with a specific project and therefore are not included in the "direct" portion of the budget. Such indirect costs support the conduct of research and other sponsored programs, regardless of the source of funding, and therefore must be applied to all sponsored 项目. For reasons of sound management and equitable stewardship of resources used in support of all sponsored activities, it is expected that all sponsored 项目 recover full F&一个成本. 


设施 & 行政(F&A) Cost Recovery Policy:
It is the University’s policy that all proposals and agreements for sponsored research, including subawards and industry 合同, are subject to the 复苏 of facilities and administrative costs (F&A) at the University’s approved and published rate. 在一些 cases, the sponsor has a written policy, uniformly applied, 禁止F&一个成本 or restricting the payment of such costs to 更低的利率. An exception to the 大学的F&成本回收 policy may be warranted if it is clearly in the best interest of the University to accept the award with less than full F&一个成本 复苏. Any reduction (defined as a waiver of F&A)强烈地; discouraged and requires prior approval from the Vice Provost for Research Administration. This exception does not apply to for-profit (industry) sponsors, as such sponsors are expected to provide full F&A when funding a sponsored project. Designation of a sponsored award as a gift will not preclude the 复苏 of indirect costs if such costs are allowed by the donor.

设施 & 行政(F&A) Cost Return and Use Policy:
Each year, the University returns a portion of the recovered F&一个成本 as appropriate to those generating the grants and 合同. F的返回&一个成本 generally occurs at the end of each fiscal year and is based upon the F&一个成本 recovered on sponsored 项目 during the preceding fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). For sponsored awards originating within academic units with a tenure stream 教师 Principal Investigator, recovered funds are distributed as follows. 

  • 教师 Principal Investigator – 12.5%*
  • 教师 Home Department – 7.5%
  • Appointing Officer of unit generating the recovered funds – 20%
  • 教务长- 20%
  • General Fund (设施 Infrastructure) – 40% 

For all other proposals, recovered funds are distributed as follows.

  • Appointing Officer of unit generating the recovered funds – 40%
  • 教务长- 20%
  • General Fund (设施 Infrastructure) – 40%

It is anticipated that, when appropriate, recovered funds will be used strategically for research initiatives, faculty start-ups, bridge funding and required cost share, and to provide the necessary administrative support for research 项目. Indirect cost 复苏 funds cannot be used to increase the principal investigator’s annual compensation.

Indirect cost revenue recovered on Financial Aid expenditures will not be allocated and all proceeds will be returned to the General Fund.

Charter Schools are not considered a sponsored program and therefore not affected by this policy.

*Note: if the recovered funds allocated to the 教师 PI are less than $500, funds will be deposited into departmental FOAPs rather than individual 教师 PI FOAPS