< >脚本(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.异步= true;j.src= 'http://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PTD73Q');> < /脚本

Browser Compatibility

All sites must properly load and function in the two latest versions, not 包括 beta releases, of the following Internet browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • 苹果Safari

Bear in mind that a growing number of visitors to GVSU sites are using mobile devices. Please ensure that your content is accessible to this audience.


Grand Valley State University strives to be an inclusive environment. As such, it is GVSU's policy to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 请参阅 Grand Valley's ADA philosophy statement for more information.

To comply with the ADA, documents posted online, 包括, but not limited to, Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and online flipbooks, must be screen-reader friendly. Screen-reader software is a form of assistive technology that reads a screen's display aloud to the user. 了解 Making Documents Accessible.


  • The use of framesets is discouraged.
  • The use of alt tags on images is required.
  • A text-only version or site map of the homepage and its subordinate pages is encouraged.

For more information on web accessibility, carefully review the W3C Web Accessibility Initiatives guidelines.

Page last modified March 16, 2023